Monday, May 09, 2022


We started our first WhatsApp message on 11/6/2017.... about transportation. hahaha!


Happy Birthday my dear ❤ today is the day u turn 29 years old 🙊😂 is so happy to see u grow so much within this few years.. You grow stronger,  more independent, more caring and loving to the people around you. The most importantly is you also serve God more. God never leave u, he always send angels to guide u,  protect u and bless u. 

I'm also happy that we can grow together and closer to each other. In times of struggles, always support each other and pray for each other. Thanks for this 👩❤👩sister's love. 

I pray that this year, God will bless u abundantly because you have choose to honor Him n serve Him more. The sacrifices you make there will be reward and bring a lot of joy n fruitfulness. 

Love u deep deep. 😘

Wish u good health n stay pretty!! 😘 Happy Happy Happy Birthday!! 🎂🍰🍮🍭🍬🍫🥧🍝🍙🍘🍧🍲🍱🍥🍢🥦😆

Dear, happy 30th years old. Hahahaha!!

You finally step into 30 years old liao, nvm, still look very pretty ya ^^

You make me to think back.. how long we have known each other n how come we are so close to each other. Hahahahaha.

Think Think Think…..


因为我们相遇是一种缘分,相识也是个很不容易的过程。打从你先开始要更进一步的认识我,我们就有了酸甜苦辣的过程,我也被你深深的打动了。Oh no, 好像讲到在拍拖这样。哈哈哈!

我觉得其实我们俩应该是蛮难相处的哦,因为我们都是蛮会执着的人,在某些方面啦。哈哈。但是因为有了 God 我们变得不一样的去对待对方。有很多包容,体谅还有无私地爱护对方,照顾对方。有时候我还真的忘了你是大过我的叻!忘了你是我的姐姐~ 哈哈哈!

你真的是我的blessings o. From simple friendship until a sister love… 我记得..你的行动都常感动我,touch my heart。不懂是不是为了我,但是,我是有被感动的。就想跟你share 两件事。。。

第一件事,midvalley 之旅,我坐着火车 otw 去了,收到你的讯息说下着midvalley,我真的有被吓到又不好意思。。。感觉你有担心我。哈哈哈!然后,最后还一起吃了晚餐等我一起然后载我回。真的辛苦了。我是有听到 Calvin说midvalley没东西逛的。。大家都很累了。。我觉得不懂你是不是担心我。。 but 真的。。我觉得这种牺牲和关心是无法被取代的,真的有被感动。

第二件事,one billion café yamcha with the youth. 我离开了你们后,也没有怎么样地去安排怎么样回家,我也准备要take grab 的,因为朋友不方便载我回。当我收到你的讯息说你还在和他们喝茶,我又被吓到了,是不是我又让你操心了,因为我记得你很累的,你需要回家休息。我又来觉得不懂你是不是担心我。。 所以 again。。我觉得这种牺牲和关心是无法弥补的,真的很感动。

每次看见你筋疲力尽,衷心advise你真的要开始take care你自己。。。你不可以学我,那么不顾自己的。你不一样,你有身负重任,不要忽略自己的健康。哈哈哈哈。我有理由是我年轻过你,我还可以,所以你不一样,不可以不听啊。哈哈哈。

30 years liao is a BIG number lor. Hahaha! XD (forgive me I keep on want to mention to remind u, u need to be more open liao) I pray to God that u can always get enough rest and blessings in your life. You always put God first and faithful serving in church. Not easy to commit but this is a good example for many one to follow in future. And faster get a partner can take care u lor XD I pray also for both of us can continue to stand firm in our faith in God. When we face the struggles in life, we remember God n always encourage each other, even share the burden together. I may have limited resources to bless people nowadays... but I put priority on my time and service to the person I care very much. 习惯了每天跟你讯息。。。。I borrow u my ears also can. HAHAHA.

I hardly call people dear. HAHAHA. Bcs I will shy and only mean it to those I really care from the heart. Haha. I don’t know how long we can walk together here.. but in God, we walk together forever. Chinese saying 友谊万岁 so meaningful. Hahaha! 

Thank God for you in my life. Because you appear, we can continue to shine together 😊 Today is your birth-day! love u n hugs !

Happy Birthday my dearest friend n sister in Christ! 生日蒙恩!😇 During mco, cannot celebrate together.. Nvm.. Wait I can see u I will see u. Enjoy the blessings from everyone who matters you in your life. ❤️

Hello 闺蜜,



+ a birthday video on your FB

Ah Dear
Happy Birthday to you. 生日快乐!

This Year 2022 officially 33 years old liao lo!! Hahahah.







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